More Americans Say They Agree with Trump over Biden on the Issues

De etablerede danske medier tegner et ensidigt, fordrejet billede af amerikansk politik. Vi har derfor besluttet at bringe mere balance i USA-dækningen ved at videreformidle udvalgte artikler fra medier, der ligger på den højre side af USA’s politiske spektrum.

“More Americans say they agree more with former President Donald Trump than President Joe Biden on the issues, according to the latest survey from the Economist/YouGov, fielded after the first presidential debate. The survey asked respondents, ‘Which candidate do you agree with more on the issues?’

A plurality across the board, 43 percent, said they agree more with Trump on the issues. Another 39 percent said they agree more with Biden, and 14 percent remain unsure. Only three percent said they agree with both ’equally’.” (Breitbart. Read more here.)

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